NameCatherine BORLASE 
Birthabt Sep 1702, St Just In Penwith,CON,Eng.
DeathSep 1731, Just In Penwith,CON,Eng.
Burial16 Sep 1731, Just In Penwith,CON,Eng.
Birth1 Oct 1700, St Just In Penwith,CON,Eng.
Marriage1 Jun 1724, St Just In Penwith,CON,Eng.
Notes for Stephen (Spouse 1)
Stephen USTICK gent of Botallack made a will 23 Apr 1743. He was bu.3 Dec 1746.SJ. The will was proved 21 May 1754 and named his wife; eldest son John; sons Stephen, Thomas and William; daughters Mary, Jane and Catherine; and trustees Rev. Walter BORLASE of Madron, brother-in-
law John PENROSE of Penzance and Christopher DAVIES of Ludgvang [who d.1746 and replaced by George BLEWETT of Mz].]. Witnesses were Jo. TOUP, John
The will made4 Aug 1762and proved 2 Sep 1762 ofJulian TANNER spinster of Pz, end that made29 Aug 1762 end also proved 2 Sep
1762 of her sister Suzanna TONKIN widow, each named Mrs. Mary USTICK widow of Stephen USTICK gent, and her daughters Jane and Catherine
USTICK spinsters.
Quote from "The Wesleys in Cornwall" by John Pearce where on page pps
54-56 a quote from the above on Stephen USTICK b.1700: "USTICK was
undoubtedly a wild character and oddly behaved individuals are still
said locally to be as mad as Squire USTICK".
The Will of Stephen Ustick of St Just in Penwith, 1743
In The Name of God Amen I Stephen Ustick of Botallack in the County of Cornwall Gentleman
being at this time in Pretty Good Health of Body and Sound and rational mind and memory (Praised be Almighty God for the Same) But Considering the Frailty and uncertainty of this Mortal life Have now thought fit to make this my Last Will And Testament in manner and form following.
First I Commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping through the merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ my Redeemer to Inheritt Eternal Life And my Body I Commit to the Earth to be decently interred by and According to the discretion of my Executors in Trust herein Afternamed with the Consent and Approbation of my dearly beloved wife.
Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Said Wife my Three Best Feather Beds, Bedsteads, Curtains, Vallance, Bolsters, Pillows, Quilts, Blankets, Sheets, Pillow drawers and Furniture thereunto belonging together with the Chest of drawers which formerly belonged to her And also all other the Furniture of and belonging to the Lodging Room or Bed Chamber at Botallack Wherein we usually Lye and Likewise the Tea Table in the Chamber there called the best Chamber with the China, usually kept thereon or which shall be thereon at the time of my death.
Also I Give to my said Wife and to all my Children a decent Suit of Mourning Cloaths to each of them According to the discretion of my Executors in Trust herein after named.
Also I Give and Bequeath to my Eldest son John Ustick all the Old Family Plate bought and provided by or in the Life time of my Grandfather, Father or Brothers and which belonged to them or either of them and are now in my Custody or possession.
Also I Give and Bequeath to my three younger sons Stephen Ustick, Thomas Ustick and William Ustick the Sum of Three Hundred Pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britain to each of them, to be paid them respectively when they Shall Severally attain their age of One and Twenty years And I also Give and Bequeath to my three Daughters Mary Ustick, Jane Ustick and Catherine Ustick the Like sum of Three Hundred pounds to each of them to be paid them respectively when they Shall Severally attain their age
of One and Twenty years or be marryed which shall first happen, and in Case any or either of my Said Younger sons and Daughters above named shall dye before the time or times that their said Legacyes shall respectively become due and payable as aforesaid That Then the said Legacy and Legacyes of Such one or more of them so dying aforesaid shall go to and be Equally divided amongst the Survivors or survivor of them and to be paid at such time and times as the same would have been due and payable respectively
as aforesaid in Case such one or more of them so dying had Survived.
Also I Give and Bequeath to the Reverend Walter Borlase of the parish of Maderne in the said County Clerk, Doctor of Laws, my Brother in Law John Penrose of the Town of Penzance in the Said County Gent. And Christopher Davies of the Parish of Ludguan in the County aforesaid gent. all the rest, residue and remainder of my Goods, Rights, Creditts, Chattels and personal Estate whatsoever not herein before Given and Bequeathed In Trust That they or the Survivors or Survivor of them shall and may Immediately after my death Sell and dispose of the same in the best manner and to the best advantage that they can and shall and may apply the moneys to be raised and made thereout and thereby for and towards the payment of my debts, Funeral Charges and Expenses and to reimburse themselves or himself all such reasonable and necessary Trouble, Charges Expenses and disbursments whatsoever which they or either of them shall or may be put unto Pay, Layout or Expend in, about and Concerning the Execution of the Trust hereby reposed in them.
Also I Give, Devise and Bequeath to the said Walter Borlase, John Penrose and Christopher Davies and to their Heires for ever all every and Singular my Messuages, dwelling Houses, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and real Estate whatsoever and Wheresoever Scituate Lying and being in the said County of Cornwall with their and every of their Appurtenances In Trust Nevertheless That they the said Walter Borlase, John Penrose and Christopher Davies or the Survivors or Survivor of them or his Heires Shall and may as soon as it can be conveniently and Lawfully done Publickly Sell and dispose of the same and the Reversion and Inheritance thereof to any Purchaser or Purchasers, and Shall and may by and out of the moneys Ariseing and to be made by Such Sale or Sales fully satisfye and Compleat the payment of all my Just debts, Funeral Charges and Expenses and the necessary and reasonable Troubles, Charges, Expences and disbursments of my Said Trustee or either of them, which they are hereby Authorized and Impowered to reimburse themselves or himself thereout as aforesaid, and also shall and may satisfye and pay thereout The Said Several Legacyes herein before Given aforesaid In such manner and at Such time and times as the same are herein before directed and appointed to be paid; and it is my Will and intent that after my debts,
Funeral Charges and the Trouble, Expences and disbursments of my said Trustees are Paid and Satisfyed, the moneys to be raised as Aforesaid for the payment of the said Legacyes shall as fast as the same is so raised or as soon afterwards as the same may be Conveniently done be put and placed out at Interest, and Securityes taken for the Same from time to time in the names of my said Trustees or in the names or name of the Survivors or Survivor of the until the said Legacyes shall respectively become due and payable as aforesaid, But so as my said Trustees shall not be Accountable for or Chargeable with any Loss that may be Sustained, or bad debt or debts that may be Contracted by Lending or Placing out at Interest the said moneys or any part thereof, neither shall anyone of my said Trustee be Accountable for the act of any
other of them , and that the Interest, Income and profits of the said Legacyes shall from time to time be Applyed to and towards the Maintenance and Education of my said younger sons and daughters before named until their Said Legacyes shall respectively become due and be paid, and it is my farther will that the rents, Incomes and profitts of the said Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and real Estate herein before devised and ordered to be sold as aforesaid shall until the same are Actually so sold be received by my said Trustees, And shall be by them Likewise applied to and towards the Maintenance and Education of my said younger sons and daughters, And in Case there shall be more money raised by Sale of the Said premisses than will be Sufficient to pay and Satisfye all my Just debts, Funeral Charges, the trouble, Expences and disbursments of my Said Trustees and the said Legacyes herein before Given, it is my Will and desire that a reasonable part of Such Overplus according to the discretion of my said Trustees or the Survivors or Survivor of them Shall be applied and Appropriated for or towards the putting and placing out my said Two younger Sons Thomas Ustick and William Ustick apprentices to some Honest Trades or Imployments and that the remainder (if any) of Such Overplus together with what Interest or proffits may be made of the same Shall be paid to and equally divided amongst my said younger sons and daughters immediately After all the said Legacyes shall be fully paid in order to better and Increase the fortunes of the said Younger Children; But in Case the money to be raised by Sale of the said premisses shall not be Sufficient after my said debts, Funeral Charges and the trouble, Expences and Disbursment of my Said Trustee are first paid and discharged to make up the said full Legacyes of Three Hundred pounds Apeice to my said Younger Sons and Daughters, That Then an equal deduction and abatement shall be made in Each of the said Legacyes, and Likewise if any Loss or Losses shall happen by means of Lending or Laying out at Interest the said Legacyes or any part thereof as Aforesaid That an Equall part of such Loss or Losses shall be Born by each of my said younger sons and Daughters and be Equally discounted and allowed by each of them out of their Said Legacyes Respectively.
Lastly I do hereby nominate, desire and appoint the said Walter Borlase, John Penrose and Christopher Davies to be Guardians and Trustees for all my Children dureing their respective Minorityes, and do also make, name, Constitute and Ordain the Said Walter Borlase, John Penrose and Christopher Davies to be the Joint Executors in Trust of this my last Will and Testament during the Minority of my Said Eldest son John Ustick and after he shall have attained his full age of One and twenty years, Then I doe hereby make name and appoint him the Said John Ustick to be the whole and sole Executor thereof.
In Witness whereof I the said Stephen Ustick have to the first of the Two pieces of Parchment Containing this my Last Will and Testament set my Hand and to the last piece thereof set my Hand and Seal this twenty third day of Aprill in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty three.
Signed, Sealed And Published
by the above named Stephen Ustick as and for his Last Will and Testament
in presence of us who Severally Subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto in his presence and at his request
(signed) Jo Toup (signed) John Sanford (signed) Anna Rogers
Stephen Ustick (signed & sealed)
Whereas I Stephen Ustick of Botallack in the County of Cornwall Gent. Made my Last Will and Testament in writing Bearing Date on or about the Twenty third day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty three, and did therein and thereby (amongst other things) Give and Bequeath to the Reverend Walter Borlase of the parish of Maddern in the said County Clerk Doctor of Laws, My Brother in Law John Penrose of the Town of Penzance in the said County Gent. And Christopher Davies of the parish of Ludguan in the County aforesaid Gent. All the remainder of my Goods, Chattels, Rights,
Creditts and personal Estate not herein before Given or bequeathed In Trust to be sold for payment of my Debts, Funeral Charges and expence therein mentioned; and did also Give, devise and bequeath to the Said Walter Borlase, John Penrose and Christopher Davies and their Heires all my Reel Estate In Trust to be sold for payment of my debts, Funeral Charges and Expences and for raising portions for my younger sons and Daughters and other purposes therein mentioned, and did Likewise thereby nominate, desire and appoint the said Walter Borlase, John Penrose and Christopher Davies to be Guardians and trustees for all my Children during their respective Minorityes and did make them Join Executors in Trust of my said Will dureing the Minority of my Eldest Son John Ustick as in and by the said Will may fully appea And whereas the said Christopher Davies is since dead, Now I do hereby make, name and appoint George Blewett of the Town of Marazion in the said County Merchant to be one of the Guardians and Trustees for my said Children, and to be one of the Executors in Trust of my said last Will and Testament Jointly with the said Walter Borlase and John Penrose in the Room of the said Christopher Davies dureing the Minority of my Eldest Son as aforesaid, and I do hereby likewise Give devise and Bequeath to the said George Blewett jointly with the said Walter Borlase and John Penrose my said Real and Personal Estates In Trust for the uses and purposes mentioned and declared in and by my said Will and do hereby give the said George Blewett the like power in every Respect as the said Christopher Davies would have had now if living to act in the said Trust Jointly with the said Walter Borlase and John Penrose and in as full and ample a manner to all intents and purposes as if he the said George Blewett had been named and appointeda Trustee Jointly with the said Walter Borlase and John Penros in and by this my said Will. In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my Hand and seal and publish the same as a Codicill to be annexed to my said Will this twenty fourth day of November In the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty six.
Signed Sealed and published by the said Stephen Ustick as a Codicill to be annexed to his Will In presence of us who severally Subscribed our names as witnesses hereto in presence of the said Stephen Ustick
and at his request.
(signed) Geo. Harrold (signed) Mary Medcalf (signed) Jno. Madderne
Stephen Ustick (signed & sealed)
The Before Written will of the above named Stephen Ustick deced are true Coppyes Examined & Compared with the Originals this 27th day of June 1754
By us (signed) John Bennett Junr (signed) John Blight
The before written will and Codicil of the above named Stephen Ustick gent. Deced were proved in Common form the 21st May 1754. Before the Reved Mr James Walker Clerke Batchelor of Laws Surrogate etc and admion of the Goods etc of the said deced and of all things Howsoever Concerning the said Will and Codicil was granted to the son of the said deced (being of age and the Executor in the said will named) first Sworn etc (Saving etc
No Inventy. Exhibited
N.B. Words in italics within brackets inserted by transcriber e.g. (signed)
Source: LDS film no. 90194, image nos. 591‐597: CRO ref. AP/U/126 (indexed as of St Just in Penwith)
Transcribed by Kath Chaveli