Birthabt 1630
Birth29 May 1628, Breage, Cornwall, Eng.
Death5 Jun 1696, Breage, Cornwall, Eng.
Notes for Daniel (Spouse 1)
Will mentions brother Edward and wife Elizabeth and cosin Edward Delargetto.1688.
Daniel RIPPER (brother to Edward b 1625)
1660\1 poll tax paying 1\= @Crohall.
In thename of God, Amen: I, Daniel Ripper of the Parish of Breage within the County of Cornwall, yeoman, do in consideration of my mortality make this my last will and testament in manner and form following.
First I commend my soul into the hands of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ who hath redeemed it with his precious blood and my body to Christian burial.
Item...I give unto my brother ,Edward Ripper the sum of twenty shillings.
Irem...I give to every child of my said brother, Edward the sum of five shillings a piece.
Item... I give and bequeath to my cousin Edward Delargetto the sum of twenty shillings.
Item... I give and bequeath unto my cousin Daniel Ripper, his heirs and assignees, for ever all my tin bounds and tin works whatsoever after the death of Elizabeth, my wife.
Item...All my tin bounds and tin works whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth to set, let and take the profits of the same during her natural life, but so as she set not the same on any of them at their <-->omes then the Eight dish, and at her death to leave the same as aforesaid to my cousin Daniel Ripper, and all the rest of my goods and chattels moveable and immoveable I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my dear wife who I make and ordain to be my full, whole and lawful executrix of this my last will and testamnet, revoking all other wills and testaments, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the fifth day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and eighty eight.
Sidned and sealed and declared by Daniel Ripper in the presence of Peter Pryske, Jane Pryske and Margaret Pryske.
Will proved at Breage in July 1696
An inventory of the goods and chattels of Daniel Rippar of the parish of Breage in the County odCornwall, deceased, viewed and appraised on the 29th day of June in the year of our Lord God 1696 by Peter Pryske od Helston and George trevarton of Crowan as following
( in pounds, shillings and pence)
Imprimis..hos wearing apparel l& money in his purse 1. 0.0
his linen and a piece of woolcloth 1.15.0
two cows,a yearling and two calves 6. 0.0
corn in the ground 6. 0.0
4 nags and mares 6. 0.0
pigs six shillings <---> 6 shillings 0.12.0
in the hall a tableboard & frame, a carpet, a chest, 2 boxes, 2 beds
2 rugs, a stool,a trundle, 2 pairs blankets, 4 stools and books 3.10.0
in theshop, a pair of loom(b)s & cupboard 1.10.0
in the kitchen, pewter <-> crocks and other things 1. 0.0
in the dairy,3 little pans, 2 bowls, two tubs
two small barrels, butter patt and <-> 0.15.0
in the camber, a half headbed, a feather bed, 2 rigs, a bolster,
a pillow trunk and chest 1.10.0
in the barn, a plough, a harrow, 2 ladders, two keeves, a barrel
a seedlop, 2 packsaddles, 3 pads 1. 0.0
his chattle estate 9. 0.0
things forgotten 0 .5.0
Total 39 17 0
Signed Peter Priske, George Trevarton