Birthabt 1520
Birthabt 1522, Gwinear, CON
Death20 Aug 1591, Fowey,CON
BurialAug 1591, Fowey Church,CON
Notes for Alice (Spouse 1)
The Lanion Pedigree says that it was through this marriage that the
Rashleighs of Fowey and Menabilly eventually became the owners of Lanyon and
other considerable lands in Madron.104
>From her husband's will in 1582, she received bequests of 500 markes in
money, his dwelling house and its furnishings, and as much of his plate as
shall be worth one hundred pounds. All this was as long as she didn't
remarry. "Also I give and bequeath unto my said wieff as for a joincture
for and in consideration of her Dower all my Landes and Tenements within the
Towne and parishes of Fowye and Trewardreth duringe and for so longe tyme as
shee shall remayne and be a widowe and unmaried and no longer."
There is a brass memorial in Fowey Church for Alice, which reads -
"Here lieth the bodie of Alice the wife of John Rashleigh Esq. and daughter
of Willm Lanyon Esq, who died the xxth day of August 1591 and her husband
who lieth buried under the monument neare adjoininge died the xth day of
August 1582. At the time of their deaths they left of their issue livinge
one sonne & six daughters which sonne caused this stone to be made in
rememberance thereof in the yeare of our Lord 1602."