NameEliza Florence MILLER 
Birth16 Jul 1891, 13 Southwark Park Road.
Death31 Dec 1971, Bermondsey.Eng.
Birth3 Feb 1893, Southwark,Eng.
Death12 Sep 1951, Guy’s Hosp, London,Eng
OccupationPlate Layer British Railways
Marriage21 Aug 1911, St Mary Magdalen,Bermondsey,Eng.
Notes for William (Bill) (Spouse 1)
He married as a 20 yr old bachelor of 7 Bermondsey Bldgs (labourer).
At the time of the birth of his son William he is shown as a soldier (7 May 1916). He was in the army during WW1, contracted scarlet fever and was invalided out.
The 1918 and Spring 1919 Electoral Registers for West Bermondsey Division show that William and Eliza lived at 39 Rephidim Street in Bermondsey. The building was divided into three floors.
In 1918 the ground floor was occupied by Archibald William Sutherland and Henrietta Sutherland, although in the 1918 listing Archibald was absent. The first floor was occupied by a John Bavin. The second floor was the home of the Ripper family. At that time this would have consisted of William, Eliza, Margaret, Florence, William and Edward.
In the 1919 listing William is shown as a private in the Royal Fusiliers (350622). His name is crossed out as he is recorded as being absent. The narrative "Rents rooms. His wife living away. No one to give particulars" is appended. The family were still there in the 1922 listing. The family would have increased in size following the births of Winifred and Albert, but Edward had died in 1919.
William worked in the black lead factory at Waterloo as a young man.
The family lived at 161, Alderminster Rd and 259, St. James' Rd, Bermondsey.
He started his own business as a coal merchant after WW2 at 49, Dockley Road, Bermondsey, London.
This business was taken over by eldest son upon William's death.
i. Margaret Mary Ann Florence Eliza RIPPER
174 ii. Florence Eliza RIPPER
175 iii. William Frederick RIPPER
iv. Edward RIPPER; Born 1918. Died 1919. Buried in Manor Park Cemetary, East London ?.
Died from influenza.
176 v. Winifred E A RIPPER
177 vi. Albert Henry RIPPER
178 vii. Eliza L RIPPER
179 viii. Mary RIPPER
180 ix. Joyce RIPPER
181 x. Ronald Charles RIPPER (Twin)
182 xi. Roy John RIPPER (Twin)