Birthabt 1732
DeathDec 1784, Helston,Con
Birthabt 1730
Death1775, Helston,Con
OccupationPeruke Maker
Marriage9 Oct 1755, Helston,Con
Notes for Benjamin (Spouse 1)
Banns read at Helston (both of this parish) 7th, 14th, 21st September 1755. Witnessed by William REPPER, brother. Benjamin witnessed the marriage of John WINON to Ann HARVEY, Helston 24 May 1762. The baptism of his daughter Margaret occured after his death, the child recorded as the child of Anne REPPER, widow. The question of when he died and if Benjamin was the father of Anne is not yet resolved.
Cornwall Record Office ref. RO/4389-95
Papers in the case of settlement of Ben Repper, 45 years, peruke maker, wife
Ann, sons Roger 10 years, Thom. 8 years, John 2 years and daughter Ruth 6
Helston and Falmouth Midsummer 1775
Ben's last place of settlement was said to be Falmouth, and as it is likely
he was to become chargeable to the Borough of Helston, they wished him to be
removed to Falmouth.
19th June 1775
On Examination Ben said he had been born in Helston and when he was about 12
his father bound him as apprentice to Richard Lambrick, peruke maker, for 7
years. His master died about 2 years later so his Indenture was delivered
up, and he then went to live at Falmouth with Mathias Williams for 5 years.
For the first 3 or 4 years he received no wages and had only meat, drink and
lodging; after that he had wages weekly. He did not know whether his father
actually signed an Indenture, nobody could find one.
Other facts that came out: he was remarkably small for his age when 14, and
he was a pauper.
Apparently Ben and his friend Thomas Hocking returned to Helston and set up
as peruke makers whereupon the established peruke makers complained to the