NameElspet FALCONER 
Birthabt 1735
Birth18 Jul 1731, Nether Fala,Peebles,SCT
Death21 Apr 1800, Toxside, Peebles,SCT.
Marriage10 Jun 1769, Eddleston, Peebles Sct.
Notes for James (Spouse 1)
OPR Edd 18/7/1731 John Brackenridge tennant in Nether Fallon had a child
bapt called James. John Gibson and John Hoge wits
OPR Temple 29/5/1757 "Intimation of a purpose of marriage betwixt James Brachenridge in the par of Eddleston and Agnes Wilson in this par was this day published before these witnesses.. James Hastie and John Brown"
(JH and JB seem to witness most banns so prob elders not rellies)
July 1st 1757 the above James B. and Agnes W. were married wits Wm Wilson and Walter Waldie
James is “tenant in Netha Fala” in the children’s OPR’s.
Wits for Eliz are James Weddele and James Veitch "his servants" so he
must have been a tenant farmer of some status to employ other ag labs.
OPR Edd 10/6/1769 "James Brackenridge tenant in NetherFalon and Elspet Falconer his servant maid gave up their names for procl of Banns Matrimonial and after legal procl were married at Nether Fallon upon June 30th 1769 by Revd Alex Robertson min of Gospel at Eddlestoun.
21/4/1800 died at Peebles James Brakeridge tenant at Toxside and was buried in the chyd here 25th current.
Jan 1789 died at Collicot Agnes Brakenridge
> 21/6/1784 Agnes Brackenridge da to James b hind in Toxsidehole