NameThekla (Tukla) BOSAID 
Birth1850, Syria
Death1927, Elsternwick,Vic
Birth1848, ?Syria
Death1923, Carlton
Notes for Christy Essa (Spouse 1)
Said to be a half brother to Eftimus, Elias, Nichola etcWill in date 22/12/1922! of Nicholson st Carlton
Appoints Elias Salleba of Hopkins St Footscray and eftimus of 113 primrose st Essnedon as executors. I give etc unto my trustess my properties known as 277 Nicholson St Carlton and 412 Brunswick St Fitzroy. upon trust to permit my son Saleeba Saleeba of Nicholson St Carlton to use the same provided he shall pay all rates, taxes, insurance premiums and other outgoings in connection therewith or to pay to my said son the net income arising therefrom or to transfer the same or any part thereof to my said son at such time or times as my trusteses may in their absolute discretion think fit, and in the event of my son dying before my trustees shall have transferred the said properties or parts of to my said son my trustees shall stand possessed of so much as shall remain untransferred upon trust to divide the same equally amongst such of the childrenof the said Saleeba Saleeba as shall survive me and attain the age of 1 years or if there be only one child as shall survive me and attain that age then wholly for such child or in the event of the said Saleeba Saleeba dying without children then to divide so much of the said properties as shall remain untransferred to him equall amongst my daughters Mary Coupee, and Malaky Saleeba and my son George Saleeba. I bequeath my Half stock of the business carried on by me and dughter Malaky at 271-273 Nicholson St Carlton to use same provided she pays one half of the business to my wife Thekla for her life and after her death for her own use and benefit provided she pays to Saleeba Saleeba one half of the value of the said stock at the date of my death, and to george the sum of 300 pounds also Mary Coupee. All the rest residue and remainder to Malaky. Any child dying goes to their children etc.