NameEmma FRANCE 
Birthabt May 1835, Heworth Durham
Baptism24 May 1835, Heworth Durham
Birth1831, Blaydon Durham
MarriageMar Q 1857, Sth Shields Durham
Notes for James L (Spouse 1)
Written in 1996 by Douglas Whiteley Smith (one of the Saddle Newbigins)
Another family of eleven children was produced by James Lesslie, a chemist in Ainwick who, for a Victorian patiarch. seems to have held female education in high esteem. Several of his daughters distinguished themselves, possibly the most notable was Dr. Marion Newbigin, editor of the Scottish Geographical Magazine. An elder brother, Edward Richmond Newbigin,became a shipowner in Newcastle.
His son. Bishop Lesslie Newbigin, became Bishop of the Church of South India and is the eldest male representative in direct line from William Newbigin of St John Lee in the Hearth Tax of 1664.
1861 census 18 Narrowgate Alnwick Nbl
James L Newbiggin/Head/M/30/High Constable for Coquetdale Chemist and Druggist manufacturer of aerated waters employing 2 men and 2 boys/Durham Blaydon
Emma/Wf/26//Durham Heworth
Leslie/S/3/Nbl Alnwick
Edith/D/3 mos/Alnwick
Elizabeth J/sister/Un/32/Annuitant/Durham Blaydon
Thomas L/Brother/19/Un/Chemist and druggist app/Nbl Newcastle
Martha Cobb/Serv/Un/23/House servant/Durham Nth Shields
Isabella Wallace/Serv/U/16/Nursemaid/Alnwick
1871 census family at Green Bat cottage at Alnwick, Elisabeth and Thomas no longer with them.
More children Edward 8,Henry 6,Florence 4 and Marion 1. Also there of interest is Mary L France 20y daughter of owner of house property.
1881 still at the cottage. New children are Maude 9, William 6, Hilda 4 and Alice 2 all born Alnwick.
1891 Still there - no new children
1901 still there.