Birthabt 1755
Birthabt Nov 1756, Helston,Con
DeathMay 1830, Helston,Con
Burial8 May 1830, Helston,Con
Marriage17 Jun 1784, Helston,Con
Notes for Benjamin (Spouse 1)
A Benjamin REPPER was accused of attacking a Nicholas RICHARDS in September 1780. The attacker is described as a shoemaker, but at this time I am unsure as to which Benjamin this is. A photograph of the deposition and a transcript follow shortly. In 1841 the census for Redruth shows a Benjamin REPPER living at Roach Row, aged 85 years. It is possible that the entry is in respect of this Banjamin, although there are other Benjamins who may fit this.
The Borough of Helston
The voluntary examination and deposition of Nicholas RICHARDS, Thomas COCKING & Phillis REMFRY taken on oath this 20th day of September 1780 before me John HOBLYN Gent. Mayor and one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said Borough who severally say as follows:-
And first the said Nicholas RICHARDS for himself saith that on Wednesday the 13th instant about two of the clock in the morning he was assaulted within the said borough and violently beat and received a large wound in his head by a stone by which he lost a large quantity of blood & was also much bruised without any provocation given by him and that he saw Benjamin RIPPER of the same borough, shoemaker, throw a stone at him which struck him in the head & knocked him over
And that he also saw John HOCKING and Samuel PEARCE the younger both of the same borough, shoemakers, present and believes they were assisting and threw stones to him the deponent
And the said Thomas Cocking for himself saith that he was present and saw the said Nicholas RICHARDS knocked down with a stone and also saw several stones threw to him & that he was much wounded and bruised but does not know who threw such stones but soon afterwards near the same spot he saw John HOCKING, George SANDYS & Benjamin RIPPER together quarrelling with one Charles THOMAS
And the said Phillis REMFRY says that soon after the said Nicholas RICHARDS was beat she came by & saw him lying on the ground bleeding & at the same time she saw John HOCKING, Benjamin RIPPER, George SANDYS & Wm JEFFERY standing by but did not see any blows given or stones thrown.
The sign of Phillip REMFRY Nicholas RICHARDS Thos COCKING
Sworn at Helleston aforesaid before me Jno HOBLYN