NameRobert STONE
Birthabt Nov 1795, Portland Dorset Eng
Baptism22 Nov 1795, Portland Dorset Eng
Death19 Apr 1862, Portland Dorset Eng
Burial22 Apr 1862, Portland Dorset Eng
Birth1795, Portland, Dorset, England
FatherShadrack STONE (1766-1846)
MotherAnn SCRIVEN (~1771-1846)
Birth6 Mar 1798, Portland Dorset Eng
Death19 Dec 1874, Portland Dorset Eng
Birth1797, Portland, Dorset, England
FatherWilliam ANGEL (~1759-)
MotherMary ATTWOOLL (~1760-)
Marriage22 Aug 1818, Portland Dorset Eng
ChildrenRobert (~1819-1869)
 William (>1819-1820)
 Ann (~1822-1875)
 Jane Angel (~1825->1856)
 Mary Angel (~1827-1899)
 Amelia Angel (~1830-1895)
 William Angel (~1832-1920)
 Sarah Angel (1834-)
 John (~1836-)
Notes for Sarah (Spouse 1)
Five Shillings paid.
MEMORANDUM that on the fourth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty one I Sarah STONE (Wife of Robert STONE - Merchant) of the Island of Portland in the County of Dorset came into the Parish Church in the said Island of Portland and did then and there according to an ancient and immemorial custom of the said Island of Portland time out of mind freely give transfer and convey unto my daughter Sarah Angel DEVLIN of the said Island of Portland All that Dwelling House (No 7) outhouses and appurtenances whatever to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining Situate in Eastfield in the said Island of Portland in a furlong called Headlands bounded Eastwards by the dwelling house of Amelia Angel SCRIVEN and West by the dwelling house of Robert STONE Southward by the Land of Edward Mowlem SCORE and Northward by the High Road called Grove Road. The aforesaid Dwelling house with all my right and title therein and thereto together with the rights privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatever to the same belonging or in any wise appurtaining: I the aforesaid Sarah STONE do freely give unto the aforesaid Sarah Angel DEVLIN for her to give or to sell and her heirs or assigns for ever (after the decease of my husband and myself) Subject nevertheless to the yearly accustomed chief of quit rent payable to the Lord or Lady of the said Manor of Portland
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and Year above Written.
Robert STONE
Signed sealed and delivered being first published in the aforesaid church in the presence of us Tenants of the said Manor William ATTWOOLL Benjamin SCRIVEN Snr
 Hereditament (from Lat. hereditare, to inherit, heres, heir), in law, every kind of property that can be inherited. Anything that can be passed by an individual to heirs.There are two types of hereditaments: corporeal and incorporeal.
A corporeal hereditament is a permanent tangible object that can be seen and handled and is confined to the land. Materials, such as coal, timber, stone, or a house are common examples of this type of hereditament.
An incorporeal hereditament is an intangible right, which is not visible but is derived from real or personal property. An easement is a classic example of this type of hereditament, since it is the right of one individual to use another's property and can be inherited.
 quit·rent (kw?t'r?nt') n. A rent paid by a freeman in lieu of the services required by feudal custom. [Middle English quiterent : quite, free; see quite + rent, rent; see rent1.]
 Grocer and Baker at Reforme
 Stone merchant, agent for  Steward & Co. at Castletown
Last Modified 13 May 2006Created 12 Apr 2016 using Reunion for Macintosh